
Entries tagged: supreme court


Microsoft v. Baker: Federal Appellate Courts’ Jurisdiction to Review Orders Denying Class Certification

Posted: June 13th, 2016


In the October 2016 term, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments in Microsoft Corp. v. Baker, et al. on […]

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Campolo, Middleton & McCormick Petitions U.S. Supreme Court in Fair Housing Act Case

By: Lauren Kanter-Lawrence, Esq. email

Posted: May 26th, 2016

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Campolo, Middleton & McCormick, LLP, a premier law firm, has filed a petition with the United States Supreme Court on […]

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Pay Your Attorney Now: Supreme Court Considers Legality of Seizing Untainted Money

Posted: November 20th, 2015

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The headline is not just shameless attorney self-promotion, but in fact reflects sound advice to anyone or any company facing […]

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Supreme Court Preview

By: Lauren Kanter-Lawrence, Esq. email

Posted: August 26th, 2015


Following an action-packed few weeks in June before summer break, the Supreme Court will begin its next session on October […]

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Supreme Court Rules that Attorneys Cannot be Awarded Attorneys’ Fees in Defending Their Own Fee Applications

By: Lauren Kanter-Lawrence, Esq. email

Posted: June 22nd, 2015


Dating back at least to the 18th century, the “American Rule” provides that each litigant pays his or her own […]

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Supreme Court to Decide Whether Patent Holders Are Entitled to Royalties After Patents Expire

By: Lauren Kanter-Lawrence, Esq. email

Posted: May 20th, 2015

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If a primary purpose of the patent system is to encourage innovation and the disclosure of new ideas, should patent […]

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Professional Licensing Boards Not Automatically Immune from Antitrust Litigation

By: Lauren Kanter-Lawrence, Esq. email

Posted: March 18th, 2015


Would you have your teeth whitened at the mall? Apparently, so many people were happily squeezing in teeth whitening on […]

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Aereo Update: Case Volleys Back to Trial Court

By: Lauren Kanter-Lawrence, Esq. email

Posted: November 24th, 2014

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This blog has previously reported on American Broadcasting Co. v. Aereo, a dispute between television broadcasters and a start-up that distributed […]

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Broadcast Networks Prevail in Aereo Suit

By: Lauren Kanter-Lawrence, Esq. email

Posted: August 22nd, 2014

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My January blog post reported that the Supreme Court had recently agreed to hear the case American Broadcasting Co. v. […]

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