
Entries tagged: commercial litigation


Understanding the Difference: Retaliation vs. Discrimination Claims

By: David Green, Esq. email

Posted: July 24th, 2023

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Based on an often misunderstood and overlooked legal concept, a Hamptons real estate firm was recently ordered to pay both […]

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Navigating Your Commercial Lease Agreement During Inflation

By: Arthur Yermash, Esq. email

Posted: June 22nd, 2022

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Updated July 21, 2022, as published in Law360 https://www.law360.com/real-estate-authority/articles/1512083/negotiating-a-commercial-lease-agreement-during-inflation Rising inflation is influencing virtually every aspect of life. For commercial […]

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Judicial Dissolution: An Uphill Battle

By: Patrick McCormick, Esq. email

Posted: August 5th, 2021

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When drafting limited liability company operating agreements, some variation of the words “The LLC is formed to conduct any lawful […]

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Mediation Is Having Its Moment

By: Scott Middleton, Esq. email

Posted: April 6th, 2020

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Back in normal times – loosely defined as early March 2020 and before – mediation could be either a great […]

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Piercing the Corporate Veil: When Are a Business Owner’s Personal Assets on the Line?

By: Jeff Basso, Esq. email, Lauren Kanter-Lawrence, Esq. email

Posted: March 19th, 2020

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As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to wreak havoc across the globe, business owners are consumed with keeping their businesses, employees, […]

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In Defense of Lawyers

By: David Green, Esq. email

Posted: July 17th, 2019

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Do you know any good lawyer jokes?  Yes?  Ok, ok I get it.  You don’t need to keep going.  I […]

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Businesses Beware: “Boilerplate” Language in Contracts Not So Boilerplate

By: Don Rassiger, Esq. email

Posted: November 6th, 2018

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“Choice-of-law” provisions, identifying which state’s laws a contract will be interpreted under, are almost universally found in contract “boilerplate.” Businesspeople […]

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New York Court Issues Minority Shareholder-Friendly Decision in Controlling Stockholder Merger

Posted: July 17th, 2018

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  In a decision that could make New York a more attractive venue for shareholders of Delaware-incorporated companies, a New […]

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Abracadabra! Delaware Court Does Away with “Magic Words” for Valid Anti-Reliance Provisions

Posted: February 19th, 2016

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Integration clauses typically state that an agreement is the entire and only agreement between parties, superseding any prior written or […]

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