Litigating construction site accidents can be daunting without knowing the right techniques. In this program, CMM Senior Partner Scott Middleton will demonstrate effective trial techniques while updating you on the latest statutory and case law changes. Get practical tips from seasoned attorneys on investigations, depositions, and motions for summary judgment, and learn the dynamics of the carrier/defendant relationship. New and experienced practitioners alike will benefit from this seminar’s coverage of all the major aspects of a labor law trial.
Who Should Attend
Personal injury attorneys, both plaintiff and defense; liability insurance carrier’s in-house counsel; workers’ compensation attorneys; municipal attorneys; attorneys for construction companies, general contractors and sub-contractors.
Sponsored by the Torts, Insurance & Compensation Law Section (TICL) and the Committee on Continuing Legal Education of the New York State Bar Association
Wednesday, December 11 | 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
NYSBA: 1 Elk Street, Albany, NY 12207
7.0 MCLE Credits: 2.0 Skills; 4.0 Areas of Professional Practice, 1.0 Ethics
NYSBA Members: $175 | Non-member: $275
Torts, Insurance and Compensation Law Section: $150