In this episode, Joe Campolo caught up with Dr. Yacov Shamash, VP for Economic Development at Stony Brook University, and Mitch Pally, CEO of LIBI and an MTA board member. Yacov and Joe talked about the many ways Long Island has changed in the past 20 years, including the emergence of Long Island’s innovation economy; exciting things happening at LIHTI, the “godfather” of business incubators; and the secret to keeping talent on Long Island. Next, Joe had an animated discussion with Mitch about changes to Long Island’s home-building economy as trends shift from single-family homes to mixed use developments and transit-oriented hubs; Patchogue’s example of proactively revitalizing communities and the leadership it takes to make that happen; and why Long Island can’t build its way out of transportation problems with highways, but that we can and should invest in bus and rail transit improvements.

Innovation on Long Island featuring Dr. Yacov Shamash of Stony Brook University and Mitch Pally of the MTA and LIBI
Posted: December 14th, 2017