Now more than ever, it’s critical to support the Long Island institutions that bring us together as a community. The Stony Brook Staller Center hosts so many events throughout the year, but their biggest point of pride is the annual live performance season. In response to concerns about COVID-19, the Staller Center has been forced to cancel all events through May 15, 2020. Please join us in supporting the Staller Center now to ensure their health and longevity when things settle down and we’ll be returning to them for a sense of normalcy and joy!
As part of our focus on the arts in 2020, CMM Cares is proud to support the Staller Center for the Arts at Stony Brook University. Staller brings outstanding and diverse performances, exhibits, and educational programs to the region in the fields of music, dance, theater, film and fine arts, and their efforts are fundamental to strengthening Long Island communities socially, educationally, and economically. The arts inspire us, bring us joy, help us express ourselves, and connect us, especially in difficult times such as these.
To learn more about ways to help support CMM Cares, Inc. and the Staller Center, please contact